
Action Academy’s Out-Of-School programs offer support and consistency to the families of our community who are in need of daily, weekly, or monthly care during out-of-school hours; while adapting and adjusting to the needs of the changing school schedules. We offer quality, camp-style, enrichment programing in an ideal venue that seamlessly combines innovative and creative athletic development programs, with modern academic enrichment. We are proud to be a program that not only partners with the community to support the growth of the whole student, but understand that a child will succeed and work their hardest when they are motivated, engaged, and inspired in a safe and positive environment. Our philosophies include a passion for the benefits of combining athletics and education, as well as a true interest in the well-rounded and healthy development of each student. Through programming that is both flexible and deliberate, Action Academy’s Out-Of-School programs are a powerful tool to engage youth in developing skills necessary for their future successes. We are honored to provide a program that is growing and adapting to the constantly changing needs of all youth during
this ever-changing academic school year.
8:00am - 3:30pm
K-8th Grade
Waitlists for daily, weekly and monthly pre-registration will be taken in the order received and will be on a first come, first served basis beginning July 15th. If you are interested in pre-reserving/waitlisting your child/children's space, please do so by clicking the PRE-RESERVE/WAITLIST button above. Registration is for waitlist only at this time. Please choose the days and times you are interested in to reserve your child/children's spot. Spaces are limited. You will receive email confirmation and or call back from a camp reservation specialist within 72 hours to complete your waitlist request and customize your pricing plan for your family's Out-Of-School Care needs.
Expected start date is October 1st.